Diocese of Madison![]() Parish Website
PKWARE®Before you can use most of the software available on the Internet for downloading you will need a program that will "decompress" the files into useable programs once they are on your computer hard drive. The #1 program for this is called PKZip®. It can be downloaded from The PKWARE® Site Back to the Main MenuBROWSERSIf you don't have the latest browser capable of reading frames and javascripts you will want to get one. The best browser on the market, for many reasons, is available from Netscape. They have several different versions available for you to download from their site. Click on the Netscape icon below to obtain your copy. ![]() There are other browsers available and the best site to choose one of the others is called BROWSERS.COM (original, huh?). You can get there by clicking on their icon below: ![]() Back to the Main MenuGRAPHICS
The program I use to capture and manipulate graphics is called Paint Shop 1.1. You can obtain a copy of the latest version at the Jasc, Inc. website by clicking on their logo below.
You will also want to put some artwork on your website, and choose a nice background too. The link below will take you to the most extensive collection of mostly free graphics and artwork that I have found on the Internet. There are also some great links to religious artwork here! ![]() Back to the Main MenuHTML EDITORSI use a simple wordprocessor to create the HTML tagged documents that comprise my webpages (Microsoft Works 3.1). There are many types of editors available that will "crank out" HTML documents from their "black boxes" with no knowledge of the code on your part. A comprehensive collection of links to these programs for many different platforms is available from the link HERE. Back to the Main Menu
FTP CLIENTSIn order to place your webpages on the Internet you will need to use an FTP client (File Transfer Protocol). If you are using Prodigy, America Online, Compuserve, or another large "private network" connection to the Internet then you will have to use the FTP client that they provide. If you have a direct connection via a local ISP (Internet Service Provider) then the clients available at this link should be helpful. Back to the Main MenuMore Assistance and ResourcesThere are many sources on the Internet and at the local bookstore that will help you with your web development project. One of the most helpful is the Beginners Guide to HTML. You will come across this link often as you traverse the "net" and it is a good place to start to get a lot of basic questions answered. Additional useful tools and help are available from the Web Developers Guide. Back to the Main MenuOther ToolsIf you want to get fancy and add audio, moving scripts, frames, animation, counters, and other doo-dads on your site I have compiled a list of helpful sites. Some of them are already listed above. For a list of many of the wonderful Catholic sites on the web, and thousands of beautiful prayers, pictures, and other ideas you can visit myFavourite Catholic Links.As always I would encourage you to call or e-mail me if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment to meet face to face. Back to the Main Menu